Monday, March 17, 2008

Tag! You're it!

I've been tagged again! This time by VeganDad.
Y'all know the rules by now, right?

1. I went through a phase in college where I was obsessed with Iris Murdoch. I have a tattoo of her quote, "If one doesn't have words, how does one think?", on my back.

2. Also during those wild, Iris Murdoch-obsessed college years, I had dreads! Not for very long. They totally destroyed my hair, and I had to cut it all off. I've been trying to grow it back ever since. That's obviously not going well, since it's been 5 years, and my hair is barely chin-length.

3. My first job was at a Burger King, believe it or not. I was the only employee who would try the veggie burger when it first came on the market. Ha!

4. The first night I met my husband, I took him back to my place, and we watched Three Men and a Baby. Yup. I own the sequel too. What?

5. I really don't like weddings. I used to work at a bridal boutique, and that is likely a huge contributing factor.

Anyone out there who hasn't been tagged with this meme yet? If so, I tag you!


ChocolateCoveredVegan said...

Burger King, you say? That sounds like a vegan's worst nigtmare job! LOL I watched Three Men and a Baby (and the sequel) many times as a little girl, but haven't seen them in quite some time.

Monika K said...

Three Men and A Baby? Really, how could he resist?! (-:

Vicki's Vegan Vice said...

3 men & a baby?! you're funny!! i giggled several times ~

MandyWrites said...

I haven't been tagged by this, but I'm not sure about the rules...?

Also, good movie choice. ;)

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