Sunday, July 27, 2008

Eats and Treats...

Hello lovelies!

It's been a few weeks.. gosh I am a slack blogger these past few months. How shameful.

Okay, so. Here's some food for ya, since you're all so sweet and patient with me.

First off, I got a new cookbook, that I am totally in love with. I've only made a few things, but it's all been successful. (Not pictured, but amazing are the Chewy Peanut Buttah Cookies. So so good.)
Pictured is the Barbecue-Baked Tofu with Mushrooms and Bell Peppers. Oh, this was so lovely. I paired with with a simple cabbage salad.

Our building had a potluck barbecue thing a couple weeks ago, so I threw together a random pasta salad, bursting with rice pasta, bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, green beans, and the tofu feta from... Garden of Vegan, I think? One of the Sarah Kramer books. It is my go-to feta recipe. And I just used the marinade as the dressing. It was so great. Pasta salad is one of my favorite comfort foods.
I brought 2 dishes to the potluck. My second "dish", was Vive's Coconut Carob Pecan cookies, made with chocolate instead of carob... I was already serving people tofu feta, so I didn't want to freak them out too much.

So, there was a crazy, major power-outtage downtown a couple weeks ago, which means that Keith got 3 days off work. So, we randomly drove to the Okanogan to visit his parents. So, the day before we left, I was browsing the Vegan Essentials website, in the hopes of ordering some marshmallows for the summer. They were out of stock, so I checked out the Sweet and Sara website to see if I could get them anywhere locally. Well, they aren't sold anywhere in Vancouver, but I could get them in Kelowna! Woot! I stocked up. And, I got a few of the S'Mores, which I'd never had before. Holy sugar Batman! They were so so so good. Mmm.
We also stopped at an organic fruit stand, and loaded up on fresh, local peaches, apricots, cherries, and cucumbers. Lucky us!

Lastly, even though I had a conference last weekend, I managed to get in one day with my boys at the Folk Fest. And, there was a kiosk selling only vegan food. Yes. Mostly raw food (we enjoyed some raw cookies and popsicles), but Keith and I inhaled some chili dogs. Hells yes. So freaking awesome.
We also enjoyed some chocolate tofulati. Yum!

Lots going on in the next few weeks, including a trip back home, and Keith's high school reunion! I'll keep you posted!



ChocolateCoveredVegan said...

You're back :o) :o)

I've heard about those smores... wish I could find 'em here!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Welcome back!!!

Oh man, those cookies (the peanut buttah ones that you mentioned AND the chocolate-pecan ones) sound incredible.

"I was already serving people tofu feta, so I didn't want to freak them out too much [with the carob]." Hehe, that made me laugh out loud :0D

Melissa said...

Oh wow. I would soooo love to run into a vegan raw food stand! That would rock on so many levels. :)

Peggy said...

oh man, I wish I'd known about the vegan marshmallows in Kelowna! I was there not to long ago! Guess I've just have to go back ;)

also, you've been nominated for an award! check out my blog

Anardana said...

Yay smores! Are they delicious?

Lindsay I-F said...

yummmm that food looks so good.

those smores are good too i just ordered them not that long ago off veganessentials.